Dejerio and Young Bengal History - General Knowledge of Modern India

Dejerio and Young Bengal History - General Knowledge of Modern India

Dejerio and Young Bengal History - General Knowledge (GK) of Modern India

The Hindu College of Calcutta, established in 1817, was instrumental in initiating modern movements in Bengal. David Hare, who was an assistant to Ram Mohan Roy, made a very important contribution in starting this college. He had come to Calcutta from Scotland to sell watches, but later on the spread of modern education in Bengal became the aim of his life.

In 1826, 17-year-old Henry Vivian Derregio, whose father was of Portuguese descent and mother was an Englishman, entered the Hindu College as a teacher. Within no time, he attracted the best boys of the college to himself and constantly inspired them to think free from bondage and question the established truths and authorities. Derregio encouraged revolutionary ideas through his teachings and organizing discussions on science, history, philosophy, literature, etc.  Through these activities, Derrezio practically influenced the youth of Calcutta and started an intellectual movement among them.

Deregio's students, collectively known as Young Bengal, ridiculed all age-old social customs and customs, organized discussions about the existence of God, challenged social and religious stereotypes, called for freedom of thought and expression. Demanded and advocated education for women. He gave importance to the ideals of the French Revolution and the liberal thought of England. He believed that Derregio's teachings were responsible for this radical thinking of Young Bengal and he pressured the competent authorities of Hindu College to sack Derregio. The Young Bengal movement continued even after the dismissal of Derregio and his sudden death in 1831. Even in the absence of leadership, the members of this group continued to spread their radical ideas through education and journalism.

Thoughts And Teachings

  • Derregio encouraged revolutionary ideas through his teachings and organizing discussions on science, history, philosophy, literature etc.
  • Derrezio wanted to spread intellectual revolution among young students.
  • He was a strong supporter of liberal thinking.
  • He was also a strong supporter of freedom of thought and expression and education for women.
  • Opposed social and religious stereotypes.
  • He said that radical or revolutionary ideas were the core of religious philosophy.
  • They ridiculed old social traditions and customs, organized discussions about the existence of God.

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