Bevel Plan And Shimla Convention - General Knowledge of Modern India

Bevel Plan And Shimla Convention - General Knowledge of Modern India

Bevel Plan And Shimla Convention - General Knowledge of Modern India

In October 1943, Lord Webell was appointed as the Governor General in place of Lord Linlithgow. He went to England for discussions in March 1945. He issued to the Indian public a proposal of the British Government, which was called the Webel Plan, to resolve the Indian political deadlock on 14 June.

Weibel Plan Provisions

  • Formation of a new executive council at the Centre, in which all other members except the Viceroy and the Commander-in-Chief will be Indians.
  • All other departments except defense will be under the control of Indian members
  • In the proposed executive council, which was to consist of 14 members, Muslims, who were only 25% of the total population of the country, were given the right to elect 6 members more than their population ratio.
  • The Congress demanded that it should be given the right to elect the members nominated by the Congress from the representatives of any community including Muslims.

Shimla Conference

  • Lord Webel organized a conference of 21 Indian leaders in Shimla, the summer capital of British India, to consider the provisions of the Webel Plan.
  • The Webel plan came to agree on such Indian self-government, in which separate representation for Muslims and both communities were reduced to the powers of majority in their majority areas.
  • The talks got stuck on the issue of selection of Muslim representatives. Jinnah said that no non-League Muslim would join the Executive Council as only the Muslim League had the right to represent Indian Muslims, while the Congress believed that it should include people of any sect, including Muslims, in the Executive Council. have the right to
  • Webel gave 6 seats to the Muslims out of the total 14 seats of the Executive Council and the British gave them veto power in respect of any such constitutional proposal, which is not in their interest. The population of Muslims was 25% of the total population of India. Therefore, these irrational demands were opposed by the Congress. The Muslim League was also not ready to bow down and the Webel plan came to an end.

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