The Charter Act of 1813 And Provision of the Act Of British India - General Knowledge (GK)

The Charter Act of 1813 And Provision of the Act Of British India - General Knowledge (GK)

General Knowledge of Modern India: The Charter Act of 1813 lasted due to the implementation of Napoleon war and continental system. The significant decrease in the british trade was recorded. On the other hand, the British traders were constantly seeking to open the company for all private traders. Therefore, the Charter Act was passed to meet his demands. It was also called the East India Company Act of 1813. It was an act passed by the British Parliament which continued to rule the East India Company in India.

Provision of the Act GK

01. It was proved to be the sovereignty of British King of British through the interpretation of the constitutional status of British in India.

02. This Act also provides the right to tax on the people coming to the judicial sector of the Supreme Court.

03. In the context of the powers of provincial governments and courts in India, cases of European British were strengthened.

04. Financial provisions were incorporated for upgrading and upliftment of Indian literature.

05. It was also included in this Act that Missionaries can go to India and spread Christianity.

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