Charter Act of 1833 AD And Features of India - General Knowledge (GK)

Charter Act of 1833 AD And Features of India - General Knowledge (GK)

General Knowledge of Modern India: The Charter Act of 1833 AD was the result of the Industrial Revolution in England so that India could be used as a market for goods produced in large quantities on the basis of free trade policy in England. Hence the Charter Act was prepared on the basis of liberal concept. By this act of the British Parliament, the East India Company was given the right to rule India for the next twenty years.

Features of Charter Act GK Knowledge

01. By this act, the areas under the Company and the colonization of India were given legitimacy.

02. By this act the British East India Company's status as a trading company was abolished, and it was now a mere administrative body.

03. The Governor General of Bengal came to be called the Governor General of India. Lord William Bentinck was made "the first Governor General of British India".

04. The Governor-General was given the power to control, superintend and direct the civil and military relations of the Company. Complete control over revenue growth and expenditure of the central government was established. Therefore, all the financial and administrative powers were centralized in the hands of the Governor General.

05. The number of members of the Governor General's Council, which was reduced to three by the Pitts India Act, was again increased to four.

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