Home Rule Movement - General Knowledge of Modern India

Home Rule Movement - General Knowledge of Modern India

Home Rule Movement - General Knowledge of Modern India

The word "Home Rule" was taken from a similar movement in Ireland, which was first used by Shy Majhi Krishna Varma in 1905 in London. But the credit for making its meaningful use goes to Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Annie Besant. Two Home Rule Leagues were established in India, one of which was founded by Bal Gangadhar Tilak in April 1916 at Poona and the other by Annie Besant in September 1916 in Madras.

Objectives of Home Rule League Movement

  • Achieving self-government or Swaraj.
  • Encourage.
  • To bring out the real face of British rule and to give impetus to the anti-British struggle through movements.
  • Bringing political dynamism on its own while maintaining the principles of Congress.
  • Gaining more political representation in government.

Result of Home Rule Movement

  • The freedom movement changed from upper class movement to mass movement and the freedom struggle got a new dimension.
  • As a result of this movement, the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms were brought in 1919.
  • The objective of self-government based on the League's model of Dominion Government gave impetus to the national movement.

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