Pandit Motilal Nehru & Nehru Report - General Knowledge of Modern India

Pandit Motilal Nehru & Nehru Report - General Knowledge of Modern India

Pandit Motilal Nehru & Nehru Report General Knowledge of Modern India

Early Life of Motilal Nehru
Pandit Motilal Nehru was born on May 6, 1861. The ancestors of Motilal Nehru came from Kashmir and settled in Allahabad.  Motilal Nehru was a famous lawyer of Uttar Pradesh. Attracted by the Swadeshi movement, he entered politics. He started the publication of a paper called Independent from Allahabad in 1912 AD. Motilal Nehru's inclination towards the national movement increased after 1917. He was a liberal. He was in favor of bringing constitutional reforms by adopting the policy of cooperation with the British.
Contact With Gandhi
After contact with Mahatma Gandhi, Motilal Nehru began to actively participate in politics and after the arrest of Annie Besant, the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and martial law in Punjab, Motilal Nehru moved from the liberal camp to a militant. His only son was Jawaharlal Nehru.

Foundation of Swaraj Party
The Congress had set up a committee to investigate the military rule in Punjab and the Amritsar massacre. Pandit Motilal Nehru was the chairman of the inquiry committee and Mahatma Gandhi, Chittaranjan Das, Fazlul Haque and Abbas Tyabji were its members. In 1919, Pandit Motilal Nehru was elected the President of the Congress. In 1920, Gandhiji proposed the non-cooperation movement. Initially, Motilal was not in favor of the non-cooperation movement. But when the Congress accepted the proposal of the non-cooperation movement, Motilal Nehru announced the suspension of the movement.

Motilal opposed the adjournment and founded the Swaraj Party in 1923 with the help of Chittaranjan Das. Motilal worked tirelessly to make Swaraj Dal popular.  Swaraj Party wanted to disturb the work of the Government of India by entering the Council. Despite opposition from Congress, Swaraj Dal participated in the elections under the leadership of Motilal and Chittaranjan Das and got more success in two provinces. Pandit Motilal Nehru was elected the leader of Swaraj Dal in the Central Legislature. As the leader of the party, he strongly opposed the imperialist and repression policy of the British government and demanded to make India independent.

Nehru Report

In 1928, the boycott of the Simon Commission was organized on a national scale. Motilal Nehru played an important role in the boycott movement. In 1928, a meeting of the All-Party Conference was held in which the proposal to make a constitution for India was approved. Pandit Motilal Nehru was made the chairman of the constitution-making committee. With a lot of diligence and understanding, a constitution was drawn up for India. This is called the 'Nehru Report'.

India's political and communal problem was properly resolved in the Nehru Report. The Nehru Report was a challenge to the British. So the government did not accept it. In 1929, the attainment of complete independence became the goal of the Congress. Motilal also participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930 AD.  They were taken prisoner. Due to prison life, Pandit Motilal Nehru's health deteriorated. After being released from jail, Pandit Motilal Nehru died in 1931.

Motilal Nehru was the front line leader of the Congress. Even at the time of his death, Motilal Nehru had said that 'I wanted to die in independent India. But this wish of mine cannot be fulfilled.' One of the main pillars of India's national movement was broken by the death of Pandit Motilal. On his death Mahatma Gandhi had said that 'every patriot should wish to die the death of Motilal Nehru. He sacrificed everything and kept thinking about the interest of the country even till the last moments of his life.

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