Partition of India - General Knowledge Of Modern India

Partition of India - General Knowledge Of Modern India

Partition of India General Knowledge Of Modern India

The main point of, Mountbatten Plan Viceroy Lord, Causes Of Partition Of India, British Encouragement To Communalism etc.

Today we will try to know how the partition of India happened and what were the reasons behind it, what was the truth. In India, under the Cabinet Mission Plan, the Congress formed an interim government in cooperation with the Muslim League, but the Muslim League continued to create obstacles even after being in this interim government. It was also pure foolishness to expect cooperation from her because she was already committed to the creation of Pakistan. The fire of communalism had spread all over the country and there was unrest and anarchy. British Prime Minister Attlee organized a conference in London to solve India's heterogeneous communal problem and to protect the cabinet plan, but still the Congress and the League could not reach an agreement. The situation in India was getting out of the control of the British government, then it thought it appropriate to leave India to the condition of the Indians. British Prime Minister Attlee announced that before June 1948 power would be handed over to the Indians. On this, the then Viceroy of India did not agree with this announcement, so he resigned and Lord Mountbatten came to India as the interim Viceroy.
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MOUNTBATTEN PLAN VICEROY LORD Mountbatten, talking to the leaders of India, came to the conclusion that the partition of India will happen in any case. Although Mahatma Gandhi tried a lot to stop this partition by meeting Mountbatten, but he failed. Lord Mountbatten went to London and returned here after talking to the officials there and published a plan on June 3, 1947 which is known as "Mountbatten Plan". According to this plan, it was decided that the British government would hand over the administration of India to such a government, which would be created by the will of the people, as well as it was decided that the provinces which do not want to join the Indian Union were given the right of self-determination. will go. If the residents of the Muslim-majority area support the partition of the country, a commission will be appointed to determine the boundary between India and Pakistan. The Muslim League first accepted the Mountbatten plan, later the Congress accepted it after division of votes. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad had said that 'after the Mountbatten Plan, all hope of maintaining the unity of India was lost'. It is clear that the Mountbatten plan was implemented on the basis of the partition of the country and India got divided into two parts.

The Indian Independence Act was introduced on July 4, 1947, according to which India was divided into two dominions on August 15, 1947. The British government handed over the power to the Constituent Assembly of both the colonies and until the formation of the constitution, the rule of the colonies continued according to the Government of India Act of 1935 and the Constituent Assemblies continued to work as legislature. The work of boundary determination in Punjab and Bengal was handed over to the Boundary Commission. In this way India was partitioned by the Mountbatten Plan and got independence through the Independence Act. In this way, the notion of united India remained just a dream. India became independent but for this it had to pay a big price.

Causes Of Partition Of India 

Divide and rule was the principle of the British. The religious bigotry of the Muslims is very much responsible for the partition of India. He lacked education and was indifferent towards modern ideology. He used to give special importance to religion. A feeling was propagated among the Muslims that it is not possible to protect the interests of the Muslims in a Hindu majority country like India and their welfare can be achieved only by the creation of a separate nation. Although the Indian National Congress tried to make good relations with the Muslim League, but Muhammad Ali Jinnah was not ready to change the policy of the League.

The British rulers left no stone unturned to encourage communalism in India. After the Revolt of 1857, the British did the work of creating division by giving protection to the Muslims because they felt that after Hindu-Muslim unity, it would be difficult for them to rule India. He gave reservation to Muslims in the name of minority and weakened the national movement. Giving separate representation to Muslims in 1909 became the background of the partition of India.

By adopting the policy of appeasing the Muslims, the Congress had put a lot of hurdles in their mind from the very beginning, as a result of which they started demanding a separate nation. This appeasement policy of Congress was their grave mistake. According to the Lucknow agreement, Muslims were given separate representation on the basis of their population. Then the weakness shown by the Congress regarding the communal decision of 1932 due to the fear of alienation of the untouchable castes boosted the morale of the Muslims. Congress could not take any clear decision regarding what would be the future of Muslims in independent India and on the other hand Jinnah had only one slogan that 'Hindus and Muslims are two separate nations'.

The then circumstances of India were also responsible for the partition of India. The situation arising out of the Quit India Movement and the World War, the inclusion of the Muslim League in the Interim Government and the differences between the Congress and the League led to the partition of India. As soon as the British announced the independence of India, the riots started. Partition had to be accepted to avoid terrible bloodshed.

Thus we see that after the partition of India, the dream of a united India was shattered. It is also true that if the point of partition was not accepted, then the central government would have become even more weak and the whole nation would have been ruined because the Muslim League always interfered in the government's affairs and the work of development would have come to a standstill. The integrity of the country could be beneficial only when instead of appeasing the Muslims, all were treated equally. India had to face many difficulties due to the partition of India. Now the question of border security has become very complicated, there always used to be war and tension between India and Pakistan. The issue of possession of Kashmir has always been and remains a cause of tension between India and Pakistan.

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