Aryans Birthplace & Spread - General Knowledge of Ancient History

Aryans Birthplace & Spread - General Knowledge of Ancient History

The Spread Of The Aryans

There is a big difference of opinion among the scholars of history about where was the birthplace of Aryans. Where did Arya come from, who were they, it is not yet known properly. Some scholars are of the opinion that they lived in the vast plains of Austria-Hungary near the Danube River. Some people think that their primitive abode was in South Russia. Many scholars were of the opinion that Aryans lived in the plains of Central Asia. Then from there they spread. And some people believe that Aryans were the primitive inhabitants of India and that is why they spread to other parts of the world. 

The Birthplace Of The Aryans

Nevertheless, most scholars are of the opinion that the Aryans lived in the plains of Central Asia. The reason for their spreading here and there is considered to be their search for pasture. Arya was tall and fair in complexion. They were of nomadic nature. Their language was similar to Latin, Greek etc. ancient European languages ​​and today's English, French, Russian and German languages. According to the opinion of most historians and scholars, it seems that the ancestors of modern residents of Europe and India lived in the same place and that place was in Central Asia. 

More General Knowledge of Ancient History

His mention in Asia is first found in an inscribed article which is around 2500 BC. To trade horses, they came from Central Asia in Asian coaches. Coming here, he established his kingdom by conquering Kochak and Mesopotamia. Arya is famous by the name 'Mitanni' in the history of Babylonia (which is now in Iraq). The names of their kings are similar to the names of Aryans like 'Dushrat' (Dukshatra) and 'Suvardatta' (Svardatta). The articles found in Bogaz-Koi and Tel-Yal-Amarna prove that these people also worshiped Surya, Varuna, Indra and Maruts like Aryans. The Sanskrit words of their deities 'Shurias' and 'Maruttash' are Surya and Marut. It is known that the people who destroyed the Mesopotamian civilization around 1500 BC were the ancestors of the same Aryans who defeated the Dravidians of India and composed the Vedas.

There was also another branch of Aryans which was found in the fertile plains of Persia. They were called Indo-Iranians. Earlier there was no clear distinction between these two parties. As they worshiped the same deities, the method of worship was also the same. Over time, the Iranian party changed. The similarity in their names also gradually disappeared. 6th BC Before the turn of the century, he changed his religion and became a worshiper of Surya and Agni.

The Aryans left their native land and went to a place where some people were already living. In such a situation, they had to fight with the people who were already living there. The Aryans never used to leave their birth place in large numbers. They used to go here and there only after being divided into pieces. But wherever he used to go, he used to have conflict with the people who were already living there. At some places, the non-Aryans not only adopted the language of the Aryans, but also started worshiping their gods and goddesses. But in most of the places it happened that the Aryans snatched their land and property and included them in their subjects. The time of exit of Aryans cannot be fixed properly but scholars estimate that this event is not before 3000 BC.

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