Aryans Religion & Civilization - General Knowledge of Ancient History

Aryans Religion & Civilization - General Knowledge of Ancient History

Arrival Of Aryans
: In fact Aryans were called those people who spoke ancient Indo-European languages ​​and who thought of settling in ancient Iran and North Indian continents. Aryans settled in India during the early Vedic period. It was called Saptasindhu or the land of seven rivers Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Sutlej, Indus and Saraswati. 

Aryans Religion & Civilization

  • The era between 1500 BC and 600 BC is divided into the early Vedic era (Rig Vedic period) and the later Vedic era.
  • Early Vedic Period (1500 BC – 1000 BC): This was the era when Aryans could invade India.


More General Knowledge of Ancient History

The word Veda, derived from the root of the words, means "to know" or "higher learning". There are four types of important Vedas:
  1. Rigveda: It is made up of 10 books and contains 1028 hymns which have been sung for different gods. Mandalas II to VII were known as family books as they were based on family legends such as Gritasamada, Vishvamitra, Bamdev, Aarti, Bharadvaja and Vasishtha.
  2. Yajurveda: It tells about political life, social life, rules and regulations that we should follow. It is divided into Krishna Yajur Veda and Shukla Yajur Veda.
  3. Samaveda: It is a book of hymns and prayers and contains 1810 hymns. 
  4. Atharvaveda: It is based on magic words, Indian medicines and folk dances.

  • They belong to the second category of the Vedas and are related to the ceremonies of prayer and sacrifices.
  • Tandyamaha Brahmin was considered to be the oldest Brahmin and he has many mythological stories.
  • Vratyasoma is a ceremony in which non-Aryans were converted into Aryans through these mythological stories. 
  • Satpatha is a very important and detailed Brahmin. It tells about the philosophy, theology, style and customs of the Vedic period. 
  • The last part of Brahmin was Aranyakas. Two of its parts were associated with the Rigveda; Aitareya and Kausitaki.
  • There are 108 types of philosophies which are directly related to the soul. These are called Upanishads.
  • Brihadarnayaka and Chandogya are the oldest Upanishads.
  • This verse "Satyamev Jayate" is taken from Mundaka Upanishad.

  • The first group of Aryans invaded India around 1500 BC.
  • They had to fight with the natives of India like Dasas and Dasyus.
  • Although dasas were never instigated to attack by the Aryans, dasyu murder is mentioned repeatedly in the Rig Veda. 
  • Indra has also been mentioned in the Rig Veda by the name of Purandra, who has also been called the breaker of forts. 
  • Pre-Aryan forts have also been mentioned because of the Harappan culture.
  • The Aryans were able to conquer the natives also because they had better weapons, weapons, and chariots with horses.
  • The Aryans were engaged in two types of struggles, one with the indigenous people and among themselves.
  • Aryans were divided into five tribal castes called Panchajan and also received help from non-Aryans.
  • The rulers of the Aryan gotra were Bharat and Tritsu, who were helped by Vasishtha Purohit.
  • The country Bharatavarsha was named after King Bharata.

  • India was ruled by the king of Bharat gotra and he also had to face the opposition of ten kings (five Aryan and five non-Aryan). 
  • The war between them was known as the war of ten kings or Dasarajan war.
  • The battle fought on Parushni or Ravi river was won by Sood.
  • Later on, Bharat joined with Puru, due to which a new gotra named Kuru was formed. 
  • In the later Vedic age, the Kurus and the Panchalas played an important role in the politics of the upper Gangetic plateau, where they ruled together.

The term Sapta Sindhu or the group of seven main rivers is mentioned in the Rig Veda of India.
Those seven rivers were:
  1. Saraswati in the East
  2. Indus in the west
  3. Satudru (Sutlej)
  4. Vipasa (Beas)
  5. Asikni (Chenab)
  6. Parushani (Raavi)
  7. Vitasta (Jhelum)

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