Kanishka: Kushan Dynasty- General Knowledge of Ancient History

Kanishka: Kushan Dynasty-  General Knowledge of Ancient History


Kanishka: Kushan Dynasty (78 AD – 103 AD) General Knowledge of Ancient History: Kanishka was the most powerful ruler of the Kushan Empire. The capital of his empire was Purushpur (Peshawar). During his rule, the Kushan Empire spread from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan to Mathura and Kashmir. According to the information received from the Rabatak inscription, Kanishka Vim was the successor of Kadphises who established an impressive lineage of Kushan kings.

Kanishka's empire was definitely huge. It extended from southern Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to the north west of the Amu Darya (Oxus) to west Pakistan and northern India as well as Mathura in the southeast (the Rabatak inscription even claims to have annexed Pataliputra and Sri Champa was) and also included Kashmir under its jurisdiction where there was a city named Kanishkapur. Not far from his name is the Baramulla Pass, in which the base of a large stupa still exists.

More General Knowledge of Ancient History

  • During the reign of Kanishka Buddhism was divided into Mahayana and Hinayana.
  • He was the founder of the Saka era in 78 AD.
  • He attacked Pataliputra and took the Buddhist monk Asvaghosha from Purushapura.
  • Charaka and Sushruta lived in the court of Kanishka.
  • Kanishka was a patron of Buddhism and he convened the Fourth Buddhist Council in 78 AD at Kundalvan in Kashmir.
  • The council was presided over by Vasumitra and during this council a collection of Buddhist texts were brought and commentaries were engraved on copper plates.
  • The scholars who lived in Kanishka's court included Vasumitra, Ashvaghosha, Nagarjuna, Charaka and Parsva.
  • Kanishka fought against Han Ho-ti, the king of the Han dynasty in China. Kanishka defeated the Chinese king in the second attempt.

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