Shivaji's Conquests And Major Achievements - General Knowledge of Modern India

Shivaji's Conquests And Major Achievements - General Knowledge of Modern India

Shivaji's Conquests And Major Achievements - General Knowledge of Modern India: Main points; Struggle with Bijapur, The Assassination of Afzal Khan and the conflict with the Mughals, Loot Of Surat,  War Of 1665 etc.

Shivaji's Conquests And Major Achievements

The three forts that Shivaji captured between 1645-47 AD were hill forts. After some time (in 1656 AD) he conquered Javali. This victory was a very important victory for Shivaji. After this victory:

(1) Now it became easy for him to spread his kingdom in the south-west.

(2) The soldiers (Malvi soldiers) obtained from here turned out to be his first true companions and the biggest loyal soldiers.

(3) Shivaji received the money and treasure collected by the dynasty of peacocks, by which Shivaji solved his financial and military problems.

(4) Shivaji took over the Malav region. After that he built a powerful fort at Raigarh and conquered the forts of Purandar and built new forts. These forts used to fall in the Bijapur state.

More General Knowledge of Modern India

Struggle with Bijapur
Enraged by Shivaji's activities, Adilshah, the ruler of Bijapur, imprisoned Shivaji's father Shahaji Bhonsle. In such a critical situation, Shivaji prayed to the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan through Aurangzeb (Aurangzeb was the Subedar of South Suba at that time) and with his cooperation freed his father from imprisonment. After this, Shivaji kept his military activities closed for 6 years.

The Assassination of Afzal Khan and the conflict with the Mughals:
After defeating Afzal Khan, Shivaji started raiding Mughal territories with great enthusiasm. Aurangzeb sent Mughal general Shaista Khan against Shivaji in 1663 AD. In the beginning, he won many states. After this Shaista Khan stayed in Poona to pass the rainy season. When he was staying in Poona, Shivaji suddenly attacked him. Shivaji entered Poona on the night of April 15, 1663 AD in the form of a procession with 400 of his chosen associates. They injured Shaista Khan inside the camp and killed his son. There was a stampede in the Mughal army. Sensation spread in the Mughal court due to this defeat of Shaista Khan.

Loot Of Surat
After the victory of Poona, Shivaji with 4,000 soldiers made a vigorous attack on the city of Surat subordinate to the Mughals. This city was looted from 16 to 20 January (1664 AD). Shivaji's army looted goods worth about one crore rupees.

WAR OF 1665
Prince Muazzam and Raja Jaisingh against Shivaji:

Aurangzeb sent a huge army under Jai Singh and Muazzam in 1665 AD to give a befitting reply to Shivaji. This time the Maratha commander Murar Nadeya was killed in the battle. Being constrained, Shivaji established peace by the treaty of Purandar (June 22, 1665 AD). according to :-

(1) Shivaji will hand over 23 forts to the Mughals in his authorized 35 forts and will keep 12 forts with him. The income of these 23 forts was 4 lakh huns per year as rent. The 12 forts that were left with Shivaji used to get an income of 1 lakh hun every year.

(2) Shivaji promised to pay 40 lakhs in 13 installments. This amount was only a part of the income received from the forts of Konkan and Balaghat. Shivaji's right on these forts was recognized.

(3) Shivaji sought exemption from serving personally in the Mughal court. In his place, his younger son Sambhaji was given a mansab of 5,000 in the Mughal court.

(4) Shivaji pledged allegiance to the Mughal emperor and promised military assistance to the Mughals in the Deccan. Historians consider the treaty of Purandar as a great victory of Raja Jai ​​Singh because Jai Singh obtained 23 forts and a huge amount for the Mughals through this treaty. At the same time, he was also successful in persuading Shivaji that Shivaji would personally go to the Mughal court to meet the Mughal emperor.

Shivaji Imprisoned In The Mughal Court And His Escape:
On May 12, 1666, Shivaji appeared in the Mughal court of Agra with his son Sambhaji and 350 soldiers as per his promise. Due to Shivaji not getting proper respect from Aurangzeb, he got angry in the court itself and the Mughal emperor made him a prisoner. But Shivaji cleverly managed to escape from there by sitting in a basket.

Re-invasion And Conquest Of Surat:
After reaching south, Shivaji re-conquered his old fort. This time Aurangzeb sent Jaswant Singh and Shahzada Muazzam. Shivaji defeated him and made a treaty with the Mughals. Aurangzeb soon conferred the title of 'Raja' to Shivaji as a result of this treaty. Shivaji was also given the jagir of Berar. But Shivaji did not follow the treaty and attacked Surat again. Marathas also got a lot of gold in the second loot of Surat. The terror of Marathas increased so much in the south that they started collecting taxes called Chauth and Sardeshmukhi from the Mughal territories. Shivaji did not satisfy himself only by looting. He had other great objectives in front of him. He assumed the title of 'Chhatrapati Maharaj' after the death of Shahuji on June 15, 1674 AD.

Victories and Deaths after the Ascension:
Shivaji lived only for 6 years after his accession. In this period, he first attacked Khandesh (1675 AD) and in 1677 AD conquered most of it by climbing Karnataka. Before his death, Shivaji gave military support to the Sultan of Bijapur against the Mughals.

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