Sir Syed Ahmed Khan - General Knowledge of Modern India

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan - General Knowledge of Modern India

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan - General Knowledge of Modern India: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan always tried to bring about renaissance among the Muslims and for every Muslim to be aware of their rights. In the initial phase, his effort was to spread maximum education among the Muslims, especially the upper class Muslims. He made Muslims aware of modern English education. He was also in favor of Hindu-Muslim unity.

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

His Alleged Sayings - "Remember that the words Hindu and Muslim are only and only for religious identity - otherwise all human beings whether they are Hindus or Muslims, or even Christians. They are all in one country and for one country Everyone should unite for the betterment of the country."

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Introduction
Born in Delhi on October 27, 1817, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was a Muslim teacher, a scholar of law and various languages ​​and an excellent writer and translator. Muslim community associated with modern education, this remained the goal of his life till the end. Modern education here means English education.

More General Knowledge of Modern India

Some of his works (Books)
(01) Commentary on Bible and Quran 

(02) Asaraussanadid - A research book on the buildings of Delhi. 

(03) Abtale Ghulami (1893) 

(04) Urdu (Slavery is against nature) 

(05) Ahkam Ta'am al-Kitab (1868)

(06) Aine Akbari which was written by Abul Fazl, he translated it into Persian, Arabic, Sanskrit, Hindi, English language.

(07) Khutubat-i-Ahmadiya

He established the Scientific Society through which magazines were brought out in both Urdu and English languages. In 1875, he established the Aligarh Muslim University in Uttar Pradesh, in which importance was given to the European education system. Its old name was Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College.

Change Of Mind Of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
It is a matter of sadness that Syed Ahmed's views have changed over time. They went on becoming conservative and communal. He had objection to the establishment of democracy because according to him at that time all sections of the country were not equally educated and progressive. There was a fear in him that after the establishment of democracy, the country of India would be divided into two parties - Hindus and Muslims, due to which minority Muslims would never be able to come to power. That's why he got inclined towards the British rule and the administrators nominated by him. When the Congress was established, he appeared as its staunch opponent. He used to say that Congress is only for Hindus and Muslims should stay away from it. He tried hard to break this organization (Congress) in 1888 at the time of Allahabad session. He was unsuccessful in this attempt and after that he established the 'United Patriotic Association (1888)' and the 'Mohammedan Anglo Oriental Defense Association (1893)'.

The United Patriotic Association
Anti-Congress and anti-Hindu propaganda was done by The United Patriotic Association. The second organization 'The Mohammedan' presented the political rights of Muslims on the basis of their historical contribution and political importance. This means that they wanted to present the brutal rule from the Ghulam dynasty to Aurangzeb in front of the British as an achievement and contribution so that the present day Muslims get their rights. This organization demanded equal representation, separate electoral system and reservation for Hindus in Uttar Pradesh. He also objected to the use of Hindi instead of Urdu in the courts and said that this would reduce job opportunities for Muslims. This statement was given by him in 1888 AD that Hindus and Muslims are two different communities whose interests are different. This statement of a person like Syed Ahmed spread like a fire and the wall between Hindu-Muslim became visible. By the way, there were some Muslims who joined Congress despite the opposition of Ahmed Khan, like - M. Sayani, Badruddin Tyab ji etc. 

Hindu-Muslim Rift
To take advantage of the rift between Hindu-Muslim, Lord Curzon planned the partition of Bengal. Its main objective was to crush the feeling of increased nationalism in Bengal. Through this plan, he wanted to create a divide between Hindus and Muslims by destroying the national unity of Bengal. Hindu strongly opposed the partition of Bengal but Muslims were in favor of this partition. Muslims started trying to get organized. The result of this effort was that in 1906, the 'Muslim League' was established.

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