Eleven Demands by Mahatma Gandhi - General Knowledge of Modern India

Eleven Demands by Mahatma Gandhi - General Knowledge of Modern India

Eleven Demands by Mahatma Gandhi General Knowledge of Modern India

Mahatma Gandhi suspended the non-cooperation movement in the middle due to the violent incident (a police officer and 21 soldiers were burnt to death at a place called Chauri-Chaura) because he was in favor of non-violent movement.  After the failure of the Non-Cooperation Movement, Gandhiji wanted to start the Civil Disobedience Movement from February 11, 1930.  But evaluating the situation of the country, he once tried to compromise with the government and wrote a letter to Viceroy Lord Irwin and presented the following Eleven Demands -

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  1. Complete prohibition of alcohol
  2. The rate of exchange should be reduced to one shilling four pence
  3. The land rent should be halved and the council should be employed on it.
  4. Salt tax should be abolished
  5. At least 50% reduction in military related expenditure
  6. The salary of big government jobs should be halved
  7. Prohibition on import of foreign cloths
  8. Indian sea coast should be safe only for Indian ships and law should be made for this
  9. All political prisoners should be released, political matters should be taken up and exiled Indians should be allowed to return to the country
  10. Intelligence police should be removed or it should be controlled by the public
  11. Weapons to be allowed for self-defense

Lord Irwin did not pay any attention to these eleven demands of Gandhiji, due to which he was very disappointed and he started the Civil Disobedience Movement with Dandi Yatra because now there is no compromise with the government. There was no scope.

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